Retinoschisis is a disease of the nerve
tissue in the eye. It affects the retinal
cells in the macula (the central fixation
point of vision at the back of the eye).
Retinoschisis is technically a form of
macular degeneration. However there are
different types of macular degeneration and
many people diagnosed with macular
degeneration do not have retinoschisis.
Retinoschisis is a genetic eye disease that
affects the vision of men who inherit the
disease from their mothers. This condition
frequently starts during childhood and is
officially called Juvenile X-linked
Retinoschisis. Affected men inherit this
trait from their mothers who carry the
condition but retain normal vision.
Juvenile X-linked Retinoschisis
Juvenile X-linked Retinoschisis is a genetic
disease of the retina and affects primarily
boys and young men. It is estimated that
retinoschisis affects one in 5,000 to 25,000
individuals, primarily young males. Affected
males are usually identified in grade
school, but occasionally are identified as
young infants. Affected boys and men should
have periodic eye examinations.
Senile retinoschisis
Senile retinoschisis is the splitting of the
retina as a result of aging. It can affect
men and women. This is not a genetic
Very few affected individuals go blind from
retinoschisis. However, some men with
retinoschisis have very limited reading
vision and are "legally blind" because their
visual acuity is less than 20/200 in both
eyes. (Acuity of 20/60 or better is usually
required for a drivers license.)
Retinoschisis (RS) affects two primary
aspects of vision
First, central vision can be impaired.
Visual acuity can range from 20/30 to less
than 20/200. The acuity loss in RS is caused
by the formation of tiny cysts in the
retina. These cysts often form a
"spoke-wheel" pattern which is frequently
very subtle and is usually detected only by
a trained clinician. Since the nerve tissue
is damaged by these cysts, the visual acuity
cannot be improved with glasses. Second,
peripheral vision can be lost due to the
splitting of the inner layer of nerve cells
from the outer layer of cells. "Schisis" is
derived from a Latin word meaning
"splitting" and gives the name to this
Retinal detachments can occur if the
anchoring of the outer layer of the retina
to the eye wall is impaired. Since RS
patients are more susceptible to retinal
detachments, regular examinations with an
ophthalmologist are important. When detected
early, retinal detachments can be treated
surgically. However, splitting or schisis of
the retina cannot be corrected by medication
or surgery. Retinoschisis can be confused
with other eye diseases, such as a "lazy
eye". If someone in your family has
retinoschisis and you are diagnosed with a
lazy eye you should have an thorough exam by
an ophthalmologist.
Decreased vision
Loss of peripheral vision
The symptoms described above may not
necessarily mean that you have retinoschisis.
However, if you experience one or more of
these symptoms, contact your eye doctor for
a complete exam.
The electroretinogram (ERG) is an important
test used in assessing the function of the
nerve tissue (retina) in the back of the
eye. The eye is stimulated with light after
either dark or light adaptation. Contact
lenses, embedded with an electrode, are worn
by the patient. The reaction of the eye is
recorded and evaluated. This test expresses
photoreceptor activity and the overall
response of the external layer of the
retina, and is a very important tool in
ERGs are performed on adults and on children
under 24 months of age without requiring
general anesthesia. ERGs performed on
children between the ages of 2 and 5 can be
difficult. Therefore we encourage the
testing be done before age 2 or after age 5.
In general, after age 5, nearly all children
can have an ERG without any difficulties.
All children, even without retinoschisis,
should have their vision checked yearly and
glasses prescribed as necessary. Children
who show schisis of the peripheral retina
need more frequent examinations. These
should be conducted by a subspecialty
trained retina surgeon in case a detachment
occurs that requires surgery. Follow-up
intervals are best determined by the doctor
who is following your individual child.
Currently, there are no medical or surgical
treatments available for retinoschisis. If
you are nearsighted or farsighted, glasses
may improve the overall quality of vision.
However, because retinoschisis is a disease
of the nerve tissue, glasses will not
"repair" this nerve tissue damage.
Vitamin A will probably not help in
Vitamin A may have benefits
for other genetic retinal diseases,
particularly in cases of retinitis pigmentosa where the retinal nerve cells are
slowly dying. The retinoschisis disease is
quite different from retinitis pigmentosa,
since the retinal cells in retinoschisis are
mechanically disrupted but are not thought
to be dying.